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来源:本站 日期:2017-04-13点击:


       向近敏,曾用英文名Chin-Min Hsiang。1914年1月28日出生于湖北省汉川县。1942年他从陆军医学院(现第二军医大学)毕业。因成绩优异被中国病毒学的先驱、陆军医学院血清疫苗研究所的李振翩教授留作助教,从事当时刚刚开展的血清疫苗的研制工作,随后被聘为中央大学医学院微生物学助教。1946 年至1954年期间,他两次到美国留学,其间曾任俄亥俄州克利夫兰医院化验室主任、副教授。1948年起受聘于湖北医学院(现武汉大学医学院),任副教授,教授,病毒研究室主任。1978年创立病毒研究所并任所长,终身教授。2006年12月31日病逝于武大中南医院,享年93岁。


       向近敏教授在进行病毒学研究的同时,也深入探讨了免疫学理论。在1964年的全国微生物学免疫学会议上,他提出分子免疫学正在形成和发展的学术思想,当时,国内外的文献中尚无类似的提法。七十年代,向近敏教授开始研究疱疹病毒与宫颈癌之间的关系和流行性出血热的病毒病因。他领导的小组奔赴宫颈癌高发地区湖北省五峰县山区,收集大量患者的标本,在国内首先从宫颈癌患者的脱落细胞中分离到疱疹病毒Ⅱ型病毒。他还首次在国内的散发性脑炎患者脑脊髓液中分离到疱疹病毒。1987年,向近敏教授在安徽黄山召开的中华预防医学会微生态学学术研讨会上首次正式提出“分子生态学”的新概念。这一崭新的学术观点引起人们很大的兴趣。后来他们的发言被整理成文,发表在康白主编的中国第一本有关专著《微生态学》上,该书于1988年正式出版。这一学术观点比英国的 Terry Burkel在1992年提出的同一学术观念早了四年。由向近敏教授主编的《分子生态学》第一、二卷,共130余万字也分别于1995年和2000出版发行。

        1978年湖北医学院将1960年由卫生部批准成立的医学病毒研究室改建为医学病毒研究所,向近敏教授任第一任所长。这是中国医学院校中当时唯一的病毒研究所。在他的领导下,宫颈癌病因研究已发展到癌基因水平,流行性出血热病毒的研究首先以双份血清证明中国的出血热同朝鲜出血热的血清学关系。向近敏教授于1983年重返美国,并任美国国立卫生研究院高级访问科学家。其后他多次应邀出访美国和欧洲一些国家并做了一系列的学术报告。在担任所长期间,向近敏教授大力开展对外学术交流,在国内组织多次国际性学术会议,并邀请美国、加拿大等国的专家学者来中国讲学。以美国著名神经病毒学专家、诺贝尔奖获得者、国立卫生研究院的Daniel Carleton Gajdusek博士,美国耶鲁大学医学院美籍华人临床病毒学家熊菊贞博士,病毒生物化学专家萨马斯博士和《国际病毒学杂志》副主编拉普博士为首的近40名国际知名专家学者来湖北医学院病毒研究所讲学,交流。他还特别邀请熊菊贞教授于1982、1984和1986年一起举办了三期全国高级医学病毒学讲习班。来自全国高等医学院校,科研卫生防疫部门等单位的病毒学、微生物学和卫生学工作者共约600人参加了学习和交流。全所先后选派了近20人到国外进修深造。在很短的时间内便缩短了国内外医学病毒学研究的差距。





      Dr. Chin-Min Hsiang passed away on Sunday, Dec. 31, 2006, at the Second 
Teaching Hospital, after a long illness. Dr. Hsiang was Professor emeritus and honorary Director of Virus Research Institute at Wuhan University School of Medicine (formerly Hubei Medical University) and a world-renowned virologist and teacher. He was 94. 

      Dr. Hsiang was born in 1913 in Hubei and graduated from Army Medical School in Guiyang in 1942 during World War II. He worked at China Central Institute of Serology and Bacteriology and then was recruited to National Central University Medical School in Nanjing as an assistant professor by Dr. C.P. Li right after World War II. In 1946, Dr. Hsiang was recommended by Dr. C.P. Li to study microbiology in the United States. It took him almost a month by boat to arrive University of Texas where he continued to seek efficient antibiotic treatment of bacterial infection and to investigate how antibiotics could inhibit bacterial growth. Later he joined with Dr. Morris Pollard at University of Texas   Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas to focus on poliovirus biology and transmission when tissue (organ) cultures became the new technique at the time, and virology as a new discipline was emerging. This eventually brought him to virology for the rest of his life, including his time in Cleveland Clinic from 1952-1954 and in The People's Republic of China after 1954. Over the past 60 years, Dr. Hsiang research had covered on Japanese encephalitis B virus, herpes simplex virus, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus (Hantaan virus), and many aspects of immunology, and produced over 200 publications. 

       Dr. Hsiang came to the United States for microbiology training just before 
       China Civil War and Dr. C.P. Li was hoping his return by training to China to establish a best medical microbiology program in National Central University Medical School. Unfortunately, China had a three-year Civil War, and Dr. C.P. Li had to leave China for the US National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 shed the light for many Chinese scholars then in the United States to rebuild the new China with their scientific expertise. Dr. Hsiang was one of them with this ambition and was seeking for the opportunity to return to his homeland. Unfortunately, China had Korean War with the United States. Dr. Hsiang's attempts were blocked by the US Immigration Office. His homing dream went through after Korean War. He went back to China in 1954 and came to Hubei Medical University to repay his personal admiration to Dr. ZHU Yubi, then the President of Hubei Medical College, who took care of his parent during his absence from China. Since then, he spent his entire professional life at Hubei Medical University. As a teacher for more than 50 years, Dr. Hsiang has trained countless number of students and fellows all over the country and was remembered by many of world-class scientists. His persistence, good cheer, and boundless energy had set as model for all of us. As he always said even in his 90s that "learning goes on as life is continuing". 

      Dr. Hsiang received many awards. He was honored in 1978 by Central government at Great Hall and was a recipient of a Class III National Science Advance Award. He was also honored a Friendship Award by US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.




        Chin-Min Hsiang Education Foundation (CMHEF) is a non-profit organization, established in memory of Chin-Min Hsiang, formerly Professor of Medical Microbiology and Immunology at Wuhan University School of Medicine.  The purpose of CMHEF is to promote values of higher education, particularly to encourage and support advanced studies in biomedical sciences in China.  This will be achieved by annual selection and rewarding of students who meet the criteria of the “Search for Excellence” program set by the Foundation, and to facilitate academic and research exchange between scholars in China and US.

Currently, the Foundation has two programs to support students and researchers each year.

  • “Search for Excellence” Award

Two students, one from college and one from graduate school, will be selected to receive an award of 5000 RMB.

  • Junior Faculty Award

A junior faculty who is engaged in research in the area of medical microbiology, immunology or virology will be awarded 5000 RMB for his/her outstanding research, as demonstrated either by the research proposal or a published paper. 

The success of this highly significant program depends on generous contributions from all, which are not limited to alumni of Wuhan University.  All donations may qualify for exemption from federal and/or state income tax.

向近敏教育基金会(CMHEF)是为了纪念向近敏教授, 由他的学生及亲属成立的一个非营利组织。 向近敏教育基金会的成立目的是奖励符合本会“追求卓越计划“条件的学生和年青科研人员。同时也积极促进中美相关领域的学术交流。